
St Nicholas Uphill

St Nicholas Uphill

St Nicholas Uphill

St Nicholas Uphill

St Nicholas Uphill

Our contact details courtesy of Bath and Wells DACR site

Our Dove details

Our peal record courtesy Felstead database

St Nicholas is cared for by the Churches Conservation Trust.Whilst the times of opening should be checked, the climb to the top of the hill is well worth it, with views across the Bristol Channel.
The church comprises a central tower, chancel and unroofed nave.

On a dark dreary night many years ago, Five intrepid bellringers set out from Uphill Village to climb to the tower.
The path was slippery and there was very little light to guide them.
When they did eventually reach the top they were greeted by a colleague  “Hello John, Hello John, Hello John, Hello John, Hello John” he said.
“Hello John, Hello John, Hello John, Hello John, Hello John” was the reply.

Eventually, after gathering breath, the bells started to ring and a quarter peal achieved.

Following a quick tour of the churchyard to see the lights from across the channel, the tricky descent to the village was made.
And who did ring the bells that night?

Wednesday November 4th 1992
Treble - John L
2 - John Wa (Conductor)
3 - John Ma
4 - John C
5 - John Mi
Tenor - John Wi

Method rung St John Doubles (Winchendon Place plain course with Grandsire single)
In support of the Axbridge Branch of the Bath and Wells Diocesan Association of Change Ringers quarter peal week.